Bigleaf Maple (Acer macrophyllum) — Namaste Farm, South Road

Circumference: 8.03 metres (26' 4")
Diameter at breast height: 2.56 metres (8' 5")
Multi-stemmed tree forked below breast height. Measurements taken 40cm above ground. The tree is in poor health.

GaLTT tree ID: #59
Year nominated: 2015
Nominated by John Peirce

Location: Beside the main house at Namaste Farm, South Road.
Ownership: John Peirce and Nancy Hetherington Peirce.
Latitude: 49.13195°
Longitude: 123.75998°

Notes: The largest circumference bigleaf maple in BC (in Port Renfrew) is 13.28m.

Access: Permission granted by owners to view.

big leaf maple treehouse photo  

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